So it begins! The next few weeks we will be testing "mini retirement."
Our objective is to see how living, working, and exploring-
roaming the road in a motor home- really impacts our lives. We will apply the principles
of computer science; "Hardware" that's Dennis,
and "Software" that's me, Deborah; to determine the outcome.
Come join us for our experiment!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun Times in Nashville

We had a a great time this weekend now on the road for 2 weeks. We spent the weekend with family. We went to the first ball game of the season at Father Ryan High School. The evening started with a very tasty cookout on the grounds of the school. Then we watched the band march into the stadium. Our amazing nephew Ransom is in the marching band. He plays the baritone sax. He has been playing the alto sax but changed this year. His band is very good and has competed in many band competitions.

Ransom playing his baritone sax!
Anyway, the half time show was so awesome. He and his friends did a great job. Conlon who plays the baritone did a one handed cart wheel during the half time show. Where did he put that baritone?  Mac another friend plays clarinet. These guys have been friends since early in elementary school at Holy Rosary. The game was fun even though they lost to Overton. 
Halftime show

Nephew Will

Speaking of Holy Rosary our other equally amazing nephew Will attends there and is BMOC. He is in his last year. How time flies. Will plays drums and guitar at Holy Rosary. He and Ransom also have for years performed in the school plays. We look forward to returning later in the school year to see them both in a play. For years I have been coming to Nashville without Dennis to enjoy the many plays and concerts our nephews have been in. It is so much fun to enjoy this time with Dennis here in Nashville. At the game we sat with many of my brother Howard and sister-in-law Lisa's friends; the Griesmers & Pillons. Their friends always make us feel welcome.

On Saturday we had tickets for the DUCK boat tour. But, it had mechanical problems and the tour was canceled. Quack! Quack! 
Waiting for DUCK boat that never came!

We rode around town and saw the city. We had a great tour guide Lisa our sister-in-law who has lived here in Nashville most of her life. We ate lunch at local brewery. The food was great and the waiter was very entertaining. We wanted sweet tea. He said we only have non sweet! With a bit of humor he explained, "We brew beer not tea." So we had non sweet tea! Dennis had water. He was on strike for non sweet tea! We laughed but still enjoyed our great food. Later that evening we went to the RV and had a cookout. We served salmon burgers and brownies. Will & Ran gave 2 thumbs up to the burgers. We sat out under our awning with our camp light and citronella candles. Those pesky mosquitos have been bad with all the rain.  Will & Dennis played the guitar and we sang old songs. 
It was fun. 

The weather was stormy again on Saturday but we made the best of the weather and worked around it and all in all it turned out to be a GREAT DAY...... Our experiment is going well. We have now entertained at our RV and have realized it can be as fun as entertaining at "home.".........Software

1 comment:

  1. So great to see you two and to be the first guests at your RV site! Good music, good food, good company. BTW, Will says to tell you he gives the salmon burgers "4 thumbs up!"
