So it begins! The next few weeks we will be testing "mini retirement."
Our objective is to see how living, working, and exploring-
roaming the road in a motor home- really impacts our lives. We will apply the principles
of computer science; "Hardware" that's Dennis,
and "Software" that's me, Deborah; to determine the outcome.
Come join us for our experiment!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 6 of RV1.0- Chore Day!

Well, every day can't be about fun times. Today was laundry and cleaning day. Dennis attached the bike trailer to my bike then I loaded 4 loads of laundry into a canvas bag with my laundry supplies and rode over to the laundry house here on the property of Creekwood Farms. I had all the washers to myself. My sister-in-law Lisa would love this laundry room, she loves to do laundry. I'm not fond of laundry. Anyway, I loaded them up put my $2.00 in each and in 40 minutes I returned to place the loads in the dryers. In the meantime I returned to the RV dusted, vacuumed and straightened our things. Just like home except in a lot less time. Only one bathroom to clean instead of 3&1/2. Only one level to vacuum not three. I'm liking this life. Dennis may have a hard time getting me to return home. I finished the laundry in no time and neatly placed it in our cabinets in the bedroom of the RV. We brought enough clothes for 10 days but since we were here and this is such a nice RV park I decided to go ahead and do the laundry. The cost was $12.00. For the experiment, the laundromat experience gets a “10. “ As you see in the picture they even have it decorated nicely.
Now this is a laundry room.

Don't you love the decor! Very entertaining.....

We have had a “real life experience just like home.” Of course it would be the one time Dennis volunteers to empty the black & gray water tanks. I heard the yell “oh crap” no pun intended; we will spare you the details. Out the door I went. Between the two of us we managed to save ourselves from a huge mess. Anyway, we were able to temporarily fix the problem. We will stop on the way to our next destination and purchase a new hose. The real problem we think is that we stretched this hose to far. We are finding we need a longer one for the parks we have chosen to stay in. Interestingly we have noticed that most people have this cool trough they put their hose in that directs the hose at a downward tilt to the sewer connection on the ground. Some appear homemade and others look manufactured. Something new to consider for the future!
We sit by the water with our lap tops and read or surf the net.
No not all rocks. Can you believe all the cute ducks!
We are still loving the quietness of this life. Still no TV, YAH!! We do have internet. Dennis has worked out all our technical difficulties. I have been able to look up recipes and do some online reading. It is so enjoyable to look out the window while I am reading and see all the ducks and hear the babbling brook. Dennis & I aren't sure if the “river” is a “creek or a brook”. It is shallow at times but often it gets full and the water funs very fast over the rocks. What do you think as you study the picture. Brook or Creek?....Software

1 comment:

  1. Another day in paradise I read. Deb your post are JUST TOO Funny! Get a laugh each time I read them. Something I can do ok since I don't have much of a voice lately. Great Photos.
